Mexican On the Lighter Side

Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Casserole on the Lighter Side

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As is happening in most homes right now, we have made a lot of changes to our lifestyle while sheltering at home.  One of mine has been ignoring my food blog.  To be truthful, part of that is because my husband and I spent the first several weeks binge eating carry out, and by carry out, I mean extremely low quality “Chinese”  (it is blasphemous, actually, what Americans like to call “Chinese” food), Mexican street food (unapologetically – we love the stuff) and more pizza than I thought was possible. I admit it:  for several weeks we lived like human rats.

Shockingly, we gained weight.  I am not saying that Andrew can eat a whole pan of brownies in a day and a half, but I am not saying he can’t either.  But everyone knows that pandemic baking is a thing.  Both Andrew and I were in the +7-10 lb. range at the beginning of August.    Around that time, Andrew read an article that asserted that the average COVID-19 weight gain was 16 pounds, and my response was, “Yay!  We can keep eating!”  (I am only partially kidding about that.)

All this to say that we decided that we had best rein the eating in or on the inevitable someday, when we can resume normal social activities, we will not be able to go because none of our clothes will fit us anymore, and, possibly, we will no longer fit through doorways.   We are doing well and have managed to shed the pandemic pounds, but we are not entirely cured of binge eating, so we are still lightening things up a bit and doing the hardest math problem in the world:  calories in less calories out.  The struggle is real.

In the midst of our quest, I stumbled across a recipe on one of the many cooking sites I follow. I wish I had written it down, but this recipe is based on that one – something pretty darn tasty, and pretty fuel efficient as well.  I hope you enjoy it.

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